
  • Define inattentional blindness.

  • The inability to quickly detect changes in complex

  • With regard to attention, what is extinction?

  • Is neglect contralateral or ipsilateral?

  • Is left visual neglect associated with damage to t

  • Is right visual neglect associated with damage to

  • What does someone who has left neglect do?

  • What does someone who has right neglect do?

  • What is the task of the individual when completing

  • What is the name of the task where a patient is gi

  • _______ is a condition where individuals behave as

  • Attention is associated with which cerebral lobe?

  • Attention is associated with which parietal lobe?

  • Where does the where pathway go?

  • There are two pathways that leave V1, what are the

  • According to the textbook attention my work by cau

  • According to the textbook attention my work by cau

  • According to the textbook attention my work by cau

  • Players of a certain type of video game tend not t

  • How close must the second target be to the first i

  • What is attentional blink?

  • We are highly capable of performing an RSVP task a

  • What is the task of the participant in the RSVP ex

  • In research related to attention, what does RSVP s

  • We often erroneously combine one feature with anot

  • The problem faced by the visual system of determin

  • We often makes use of the fact that objects exist

  • A _______ task is one where the participant must s

  • What is a serial self terminating search?

  • A___________ search is one in which multiple stimu

  • A _________ task is one where the participants mus

  • What happens to reaction time when setting size in

  • Define salience.

  • True or false, In a visual search task, reaction t

  • In a visual search task, what is the task of the p

  • In a visual search task, what percentage of the tr

  • In a visual search task, what percentage of the tr

  • The number of items in a visual display of a visua

  • In a visual search, _______ is the scientific name

  • In a visual search task, ______ is the scientific

  • Generally speaking, a _______ task is one where th

  • True or false. According to the textbook, the best

  • You are looking for your car keys, you look in a p

  • What percentage of trials contain an invalid cue?

  • What percentage of trials contain a valid cue?

  • What happens to reaction time when an invalid cue

  • What happens to reaction time when a valid cue is

  • There are two different types of cues used in atte

  • With regard to attention, what is a cue?

  • The ability to pick up one of many stimuli is refe

  • ______ attention refers to those instances when yo

  • ____ attention refers to directing a sense organ a

  • _____ attention refers to our ability to attend to

  • ___ attention refers to attention to stimuli in th

  • True or False, according to the textbook, attentio

  • Based on this excerpt, which of the following woul

  • Tecumseh believed that which of the following woul

  • Jefferson's call to avoid entangling alliances is

  • Jefferson's statement "that the minority possesses

  • Which of the following describes a policy of Jeffe

  • Who of the following would be most likely to agree

  • In the United States, support for the War of 1812

  • Which individual or group among the following woul

  • The dispute involving the Kentucky resolutions dem

  • The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions were issued

  • In addition to his farewell's address, part of Was

  • One of the strong reasons that Washington and othe

  • Who of the following would be most critical of Ham

  • Which of the following benefited most directly fro

  • Hamilton's constitutional argument was based on wh

  • Which of the following was the primary reason for

  • For some, the Revolutionary War was also a civil w

  • The group most likely to oppose the ideas expresse

  • Which of the rights in the excerpt is expressed in

  • In the context of the various disputes between the

  • Which of the following groups or individuals would

  • Which of the following documents most forcefully d

  • King George's rejection of the olive branch petiti

  • Which of the following is the underlying goal of t

  • Which of the following actions by the colonists is

  • Which of the following was a direct British respon

  • For the first time, the Stamp Act placed on the co

  • The resolution of the Stamp Act Congress expressed

  • Which of the following leaders from an earlier per

  • The concern expressed in this excerpt helps explai

  • What was the context in which Mayhew was writing?

  • Mayhew would probably apply his warning, "Not use

  • Which of the following possible influences on Mayh

  • According to Mayhew, the people should be willing

  • Which of the following was a long-term effect of t

  • Which group would most strongly support Zenger's p

  • Which of the following had an effect on attitudes

  • Locke's writings had the most direct influence on

  • How is the topic of Locke's writing similar to mos

  • The primary market for the Virginian tobacco crop

  • Which of the following groups made up most of the

  • Despite the success of tobacco in Virginia, the co

  • Bacon's Rebellion was initiated by a group of farm

  • Based on the information in this excerpt, what is

  • Which of the following best summarizes the attitud

  • Which of the following religious groups were the a

  • The activities of Coronado and other Spanish and P

  • Based on Coronado's observations, which of the fol

  • Which of the following is a reason historians are

  • Which of the following European nations would be t

  • The primary audience that Las Casas hoped to influ

  • Which of the following best explains the underlyin

  • Which of the following factors best explains why n

  • Which of these was a common reaction by Indians to

  • Which of the following is NOT always an "authorize

  • "__________" means a device that a person may ride

  • _______ means a motor vehicle designed and used pr

  • _____ means a motor vehicle designed and used prim

  • ________ means a motor vehicle designed, used, or

  • _______ means a motor vehicle, other than a motorc

  • _________ means a motor vehicle used to transport

  • ________ means a device that can be used to transp

  • Which if the following, by definition, is always u

  • ___ means, used in reference to a vehicle, a perso

  • _______ means an individual, association, corporat

  • _______ means a paved shoulder.

  • _______ means the period beginning one-half hour b

  • Larry Cartwright was traveling west on a winding r

  • Christopher Estes was traveling west on a winding,

  • An operator of a vehicle facing a circular green l

  • "__________" means a motor vehicle other than a ta

  • The junction of an alley with a street or highway

  • The right of one vehicle or pedestrian to proceed

  • Richard James was traveling north on Barrier Rd. a

  • Justin Knight was traveling south on IH 35 feeder

  • Katrina was traveling north on Jones Rd and Willie

  • Shanna is walking west on a sidewalk and Beatrice

  • Which of the following is NOT authorized by the Tr

  • James Pamplona was traveling north on Killer Highw

  • What is the maximum speed allowed for an alley?

  • Reckless driving is punishable by __________

  • A person commits an offense if the person is at le

  • Lester Pugh is traveling north on Jordan Rd. when

  • A person commits an offense if the person operated

  • A person may not occupy a house trailer while it i

  • Which of the following violations is NOT in the Tr

  • Which of the following violations under the right

  • A __________ may not open the door of a motor vehi

  • Which of the following types of lights is NEVER re

  • A pedestrian facing a __________ may not enter a r

  • A pedestrian facing a __________ may not enter a r

  • What information is NOT required on a "Notice To A

  • An officer shall issue a written notice to appear

  • The time and place specified in the notice to appe

  • Which of the following statements are true?

  • Which of the following statements are true?

  • A 1995 Chevy Impala with the motor removed is a __

  • The department may not issue a commercial driver's