Which of the following pieces of logic could be used in the method that implements Comparable? Assume that the method is passed Object a, which is really a ChessPiece. Also assume that ChessPiece has a method called returnType which returns the type of the given piece. Only one of these answers has correct logic.

Which of the following pieces of logic could be used in the method that implements Comparable?  Assume that the method is passed Object a, which is really a ChessPiece.  Also assume that ChessPiece has a method called returnType which returns the type of the given piece.  Only one of these answers has correct logic.

a)       if (this.type < a.returnType( )) return –1;
b)       if (this.type = = a.returnType( )) return 0;
c)       if (this.type.equals(a.returnType( )) return 0;
d)       if (a.returnType( ).equals(“King”)) return -1;
e)       if (a.returnType( ).equals(“Pawn”)) return 1;

Consider a class called ChessPiece.  This class has two instance data, String type and int player.  The variable type will store “King”, “Queen”, “Bishop”, etc and the int player will store 0 or 1 depending on whose piece it is.  We wish to implement Comparable for the ChessPiece class.  Assume that, the current ChessPiece is compared to a ChessPiece passed as a parameter.  Pieces are ordered as follows:  “Pawn” is a lesser piece to a “Knight” and a “Bishop”, “Knight” and “Bishop” are equivalent for this example, both are lesser pieces to a “Rook” which is a lesser piece to a “Queen” which is a lesser piece to a “King.”

Answer:  c.

Explanation:  If the type of this piece and of a are the same type, then they are considered equal and the method should return 0 to indicate this.  Note that this does not cover the case where this piece is a “Knight” and a is a “Bishop”, so additional code would be required for the “equal to” case.  The answer in b is not correct because it compares two Strings to see if they are the same String, not the same value.  The logic in d and e are incorrect because neither of these takes into account what the current piece is, only what the parameter’s type is.  In d, if a is a “King”, it will be greater than this piece if this piece is not a “King”, but will be equal if this piece is a “King” and similarly in e, it does not consider if this piece is a “Pawn” or not.  Finally, a would give a syntax error because two Strings cannot be compared using the “<” operator.

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