A researcher has arrived at a method to prevent gene expression from Drosophila embryonic genes. The following questions assume that he is using this method.

A researcher has arrived at a method to prevent gene expression from Drosophila embryonic genes. The following questions assume that he is using this method.

1) The researcher in question measures the amount of new polypeptide production in embryos from 8 hours following fertilization and the results show a steady and significant rise in polypeptide concentration over that time. The researcher concludes that

A) his measurement skills must be faulty.
B) the results are due to building new cell membranes to compartmentalize dividing nuclei.
C) the resulting new polypeptides are due to translation of maternal mRNAs.
D) the new polypeptides were inactive and not measurable until fertilization.
E) polypeptides were attached to egg membranes until this time.

Answer:  C

2) The researcher continues to study the reactions of the embryo to these new proteins and you hypothesize that he is most likely to see which of the following (while embryonic genes are still not being expressed)?

A) The cells begin to differentiate.
B) The proteins are evenly distributed throughout the embryo.
C) Larval features begin to make their appearance.
D) Spatial axes (anterior รข†’ posterior, etc.) begin to be determined.
E) The embryo begins to lose cells due to apoptosis from no further gene expression.

Answer:  D