Munro microabscess is seen in -
A. Dermal tissue
B. Stratum basale
C. Stratum corneum
D. Stratum malpighi
Answer: C. Stratum corneum
- Neither raised nor depressed is -
- Oral examination is done in case of -
- In Tzanck smear multinucleated cells are seen in -
- Exclamation mark hairs are seen in -
- Atopic dermatitis can be best diagnosed by-
- Patch test is read after -
- A flat discolouration on skin of 1 cm is called -
- The safest antibacterial agent for local application
- Castellani's paint contain all of the following except
- Which of the following is burrow's solution
- Which laser is selectively absorbed -
- Coral red-fluorescence wood's Lamp seen in
- The range of light which causes maximum skin damage is -
- The wood's lamp filter is made of -
- Epidermal cells of normal tissues are replaced completely -
- A pinkish red fluorescence of urine with wood's Lamp is seen in -
- Wavelength of light produced by wood's lamp is -
- Delayed hypersensitivity in the skin tests, is assessed by -
- Skin doubling time is -
- Psoralen with UV-A is used for treating -
- Herald patch is caused by -
- Erythema toxicum in a neonate indicates -
- Medically most important form of UV radiation is -
- Shagreen patch is usually found in -