Certain enzymes, like those in the Glycogen Breakdown Cascade, are active only when phosphorylated. Suppose you wanted to produce a version of the enzyme that is constitutively active, i.e. active all the time? You can alter the gene and replace a certain:
A. S with K
B. S with T
C. S with E
D. T with R
E. A with B
F. S with A
Answer: C
- Protein Kinase A binds to the sequences RRGSE in substrate proteins, and transfers a phosphate from ATP to the Serine (S) in that sequence. A protein with the sequence RRGAE would be called what?
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- Cholesterol is most abundant in animal cell membranes (from amoebas to vertebrates) where it
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- One of the second messengers in Protein Kinase C activation is quite polar. It is often known by its abbreviation:
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- The Acetylcholine Receptor is:
- Cholesterol is found in membranes of which?
- The Acetylcholine receptor is
- If a transmemberane protein admits a sodium ion along with a molecule of Glucose (assuming that the sodium levels inside the cell is low) then this is an example of:
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- When [ATP] = 5mM, [ADP] = 4mM, and [AMP] = 1mM, the Atkinson Energy Charge Function has the value:
- When it is active, Protein Kinase C is:
- Which Phospholipase removes the polar head group along with the attached P?
- An uncompetitive inhibitor causes what apparent changes?
- If a given substrate has a high Km with an enzyme we usually assume
- What are the dimensions (units) of the turnover number - k2 or kcat?
- Which is correct?
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- Which of these is a reducing sugar?
- Which of the following is NOT mediated by a 7TM protein?
- What is the value of the Atkinson's Energy Charge Function when [AMP] = 1 M, [ADP] = 2M, and [ATP] = 5M?