What fallacy occurs when an argument tests on the irrelevant testimony of a famous person, like a movie star or athlete?
Answer: Ad verecundiam
- Once again Sally is considering giving money to charity. Her friend Nancy agrees with her charitable spirit but is a critic of utilitarianism. Which of the following is Nancy most likely to say to Sally?
- Suppose Sally is considering giving money to a charitable organization. Which of the following best expresses part of a Utilitarian analysis of whether or not she should?
- Which of the following is one of the problems for Utilitarianism?
- The fact that Utilitarianism thinks there aren't absolute, specific moral rules is one way of showing that it is attractive to people because of its __________________.
- Which of the following is the best expression of a Utilitarian belief?
- Which of the following recommends that we should do actions which are in accordance with what enhances our probability of survival?
- Which of the following is one of the four problems our author identifies as one of those that Natural Law Theory hopes to solve?
- What fallacy occurs when someone is being discredited because of a political, religious, or social affiliation?
- What fallacy occurs when someone argues for a position based solely on the basic of patriotism?
- What fallacy occurs when someone tries to bribe another person?
- What fallacy occurs when someone is discredited solely on the grounds of a characteristic like race, age, or gender?
- What fallacy occurs when someone argues that a position should not be accepted, even if good reasons are offered, simply because the speaker does not follow his or her own advice and the speaker's actions suggest hypocrisy?
- What fallacy occurs when someone argues that something must be true because you can't prove it is false (or vice versa)?
- What fallacy occurs when someone makes an irrelevant appeal to a recent disaster as a reason for getting a job, raise, or better grade?
- What fallacy occurs when an advertiser uses snob appeal, such as suggesting that eating their mustard will make us feel like we own a Rolls Royce?
- What fallacy occurs when, instead of being given reasons for coming to a decision, someone is asked to provide sexual favors in exchange for a job or raise?
- Which of the following is the correct abbreviation for Doctor of Philosophy?