Aadil is a font specialist in the linguistic department, and he is given a list of font words and asked to identify the font each word is scripted in. Which of the following best exemplifies what we would expect of Aadil's performance?

Aadil is a font specialist in the linguistic department, and he is given a list of font words and asked to identify the font each word is scripted in. Which of the following best exemplifies what we would expect of Aadil's performance?

When the majority of font words are scripted in the same font, Aadil will identify the incongruent fonts quickly.
When half of the font words are scripted in a different font, Aadil will identify all fonts with the same speed.
When the majority of font words are scripted in the same font, Aadil will identify all of the fonts quickly.
When the majority of font words are scripted in a different font, Aadil will identify the incongruent fonts quickly.

Answer: D