For years, Eddie has had appointments with Carlos at his workplace every Monday and Wednesday morning. At these appointments, Carlos is always very organized and well-dressed. Carlos is an alcoholic who goes out for drinks every Thursday. This week, Eddie makes an appointment with Carlos for Friday morning. On Friday, Carlos is an hour late and wearing a dirty track suit. Why is Eddie so shocked by Carlos' behaviour?
Eddie has fallen victim to the availability heuristic because he only ever sees Carlos on certain days of the week. Eddie is shocked because Carlos' appearance is distinct compared to what he has previously seen.
Eddie has fallen victim to the representativeness heuristic because Carlos' late arrival is not representative of his usual punctuality. Eddie is shocked because Carlos is usually not so late for important meetings.
Eddie has fallen victim to the representativeness heuristic because Carlos' appearance on Friday is not representative of his usual appearance. Eddie is shocked because Carlos is no longer well-dressed.
Eddie has fallen victim to the availability heuristic because he only ever sees Carlos on certain days of the week. Eddie is shocked because Carlos' appearance is not consistent with what he has previously seen.
Answer: D