In the case of the Nazis' proposed 1977 march on Skokie, a suburb north of Chicago with many Holocaust survivors which had denied the Nazis a permit to march, the Supreme Court, a year after the fact, let stand a lower court ruling that
A) communities have the right to impose local standards on the right to march.
B) Nazis and Communists are among a select list of groups that because of their anti-democratic nature are not protected by the First Amendment.
C) the Nazis could only march if they publicly repudiated the murderous actions of the Nazis before and during WWII.
D) certain groups are so predisposed to violence that their freedom of assembly is not guaranteed.
E) no community could use its power to grant parade permits to stifle free expression or freedom of assembly.
Answer: E
AP Government
- The logical place to begin the study of how power is distributed in U.S. politics is
- According to the text, before making judgements about institutions and interests, we must first observe them
- The kinds of answers that political scientists usually give to the fundamental political questions tend to be
- The fact that people have been willing to die over competing views of the public interest suggest that
- American foreign policy, according to the text, tends to alternate between
- Ronal Reagan's policy initiatives on social and economic problem sought to
- The text suggests ____ theory "does the most to reassure one that American has been, and continues to be, a democracy in more than name"
- A pluralist might agree with all of the following statements except
- The view that money, expertise, prestige, and so forth are widely scattered throughout our society in the hands of a variety of groups is known as the
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- Max Weber felt that the dominant social and political reality of modern times was that
- Which of the following statements is not consistent with Mills' position?
- C. Wright Mills, an American sociologist, suggests politics and government are dominate by
- Marx concluded "modern" societies generally feature a clash of power between
- In the Marxist view government is a reflection of underlying ____ forces
- Issues can be handled in a majoritarian fashion if
- The Founders might agree that ___ ought to hinge on popular vote
- The Founders granted that representative democracy would
- The text suggest the Founders thought the government should ____ popular views.
- In sharp contrast to the United States, very few offices in some European democracies are
- The text suggests representative democracy is justified by all of the following concerns except that
- If you fear that people often decide big issues on the basis of fleeting passions and in response to demagogues, you are likely to agree with
- Sometimes, representative democracy is disapprovingly referred to as the ____ theory of Democracy.
- Which of the following is a basic tenet of representative democracy?
- In the ancient Greek city-state, the right to vote was not extended to