22 year old female with difficulty breathing. She has no prior medical history and states that she began having trouble breathing following an argument with her boyfriend. She states that her fingers are numb and tingly. You should:
A: provide low flow oxygen and attempt to calm her down
B: provide high flow oxygen and transport
C: not provide oxygen and transport
D: managing her hands and fingers while calming her down
Answer: A
Emergency Medical Responder
- Patient is an 18 year old female who complains of severe abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. You should:
- Patient is a pregnant women who is 36 weeks along, blood pressure 74/60, skin signs are pale and cool. You should:
- Patient is a pregnant women who is 24 weeks along, she is complaining of nausea and a headache. Pulse is 140 strong and regular, blood pressure is 174/96. Her condition is most likely caused by :
- When caring for the baby you must do all of the following immediately except:
- When preparing to cut the umbilical cord, place the first clamp:
- During normal delivery you should do all of the following except:
- When evaluating the mother before delivery all of the following information is important to have except:
- A vaginal discharge occurs:
- The rupturing of membranes is an important milestone in the birthing process. It is the:
- Patient shot in right upper quadrant of the abdomen. Which organ may have been injured
- What is the best care for an open abdominal injury:
- Patient appears to have an injured rib or 2. There is no flail segment and the patient is alert and oriented. What is the most likely complication from a simple rib injury
- Patient has an open chest wound that you have covered with an occlusive dressing. The patient becomes short of breath.
- The purpose of placing an occlusive dressing over a chest wound is to:
- Patient shot in right lower chest. Which one of the following signs would indicate the patient is developing a tension pneumothorax.
- A 29 year old man has been stabbed once in the posterior chest. How would you describe this injury in your documentation:
- In the case of an open chest wound, place an occlusive dressing over the wound and then:
- Patient struck in the lateral chest by a blunt object. You palpate a flail segment on the right lateral chest area. This injury will affect:
- Patient with open skull injury. When attempting to control bleeding
- The purpose of a properly sized cervical collar
- Combative behavior, abnormal breathing pattern, and repetitive questions are all signs of:
- Unresponsive patient following motorcycle crash. He is not breathing and you try to open airway using jaw thrust. Unsuccessful so What next
- Unresponsive person found facedown on a hotel lobby floor. How would you choose to move the person into the recovery position
- Patient with a suspected open skull injury. When attempting to control bleeding you should:
- The purpose of a properly sized cervical collar is to: