Given a SQLiteDatabase object named db and a variable named taskID that contains a valid ID for a task, what does the following code do? String where = "_id = ?"; String[] whereArgs = { Integer.toString(taskID) }; this.openReadableDB(); Cursor cursor = db.query("task", null, where, whereArgs, null, null, null);

Given a SQLiteDatabase object named db and a variable named taskID that contains a valid ID for a task, what does the following code do?
String where = "_id = ?";
String[] whereArgs = { Integer.toString(taskID) };
Cursor cursor = db.query("task", null, where, whereArgs, null, null, null);

a. gets a Cursor object that contains multiple rows from the task table that correspond with the specified task ID
b. gets a Cursor object that contains a single row from the task table that corresponds with the specified task ID
c. gets a Cursor object that contains multiple rows from the list table that correspond with the specified task ID
d. gets a Cursor object that contains a row from the list table that corresponds with the specified task ID

Answer: B


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