Disce herniations has both contained and non contained what are the two non contained?
A. Extrusion and Sequestration
B. Bulge and EXtrusion
C. Sequestration and Bulge
D. Bulge and Protrusion
Answer: A
- What injury can occur when the neck undergoes sudden acceleration and deceleration (such as in a car accident)?
- Sprains occur in what type of tissue?
- What musculoskeletal problem causes the most absences from work?
- Which of the following contributes to increased spinal loading?
- Spinal relaxation phenomenon explains what?
- What is the dominant force on the spine during activities requiring backward leaning of the trunk, such as rappelling?
- What type of articulation occurs between the bodies of adjacent vertebrae?
- Attachment to the ribs limits range of motion in which vertebrae?
- In anatomical position, where is the center of gravity located relative to the spine?
- What action(s) do posterior trunk muscles cause when they contract unilaterally?
- Which abdominal muscles cause rotation to the left?
- Anterior pelvic tilt facilitates what type of spinal motion?
- Which type of exaggerated curve is often caused by osteoporosis?
- Lateral deviations in spinal curvature are called what?
- What is the enlarged cervical portion of the supraspinous ligament called?
- What causes the pumping action (influx and outflux of water containing nutrients and waste) of the intervertebral discs in adults?
- What is the most common type of spinal loading during daily activities?
- The most superior cervical vertebrae is called what?
- Unusually high incidences of pars interarticularis fractures have been documented in which of the following groups of athletes?
- What is the most common type of vertebral fracture?
- Which of the following are potential consequences of spinal fractures?
- Transverse or spinous process fractures may result from which of the following?
- A typical geriatric disc has a fluid content that is reduced by approximately how much?
- What joint is usually the culprit in low back pain?
- What is the result when part of the nucleus pulposus of the disc protrudes and presses on a nerve?