The managerial task of creating strategy-supportive policies and procedures

The managerial task of creating strategy-supportive policies and procedures

A) generally entails having many policies rather than few policies (because it usually takes many policies and procedures to adequately spell out and fully explain how things are to be done correctly).
B) is important because strategies can rarely be executed proficiently without providing employees with explicit direction in how value chain activities are to be performed.
C) is the most reliable way for management to retain control over how tasks are being performed by empowered employees (because very few employees will knowingly violate company policies).
D) must be well done if a company is to succeed in imitating the practices and procedures of best-in-industry or best-in-world performers.
E) can aid good strategy execution by placing limits on independent action and channeling individual and group efforts in the desired directions.

Answer: E


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