The VPC+ presenting model stands for:
a. Verify - Protocol - Chart
b. Vocal - Presenting - Chart
c. Verify - Present - Close
d. Vocal - Present - Close
Answer: C
Professional Selling
- Part of the VPC+ presenting model where you "tell them what you said."
- Part of the VPC+ presenting model where you review the overall package you have just presented, revisiting the top three value points you deliver.
- Part of the Execute section of the VPC+ model where if they say No, you revisit that issue by seeking a reason why the buyer sees your solution as inappropriate.
- Part of the Execute section of the VPC+ model where if they say Yes, you move on to the next issue.
- Part of the Execute section of the VPC+ model where you ask the buyer directly if the buyer sees your solution as an appropriate fit for their needs.
- Part of the Execute section of the VPC+ model that has a strong "moral of the story" focus that is made very clear to the buyer.
- Part of the Execute section of the VPC+ model, where you use visual support, demonstrations, proof including testimonials, 3rd party endorsements, "bring to life" approaches such as success stories to show how your solution is a good fit for their issue.
- Part of the Execute section of the VPC+ model, where you present the benefits you can bring to the table related to this issue. Basically you defend your solution and express how it is a good fit for the issue.
- Part of the Execute section of the VPC+ model, where you make sure you are on the same page and understand the issues the buyer is dealing with.
- Part of the VPC+ presenting model where you present the benefits you can bring to the table related to this issue.
- Part of the VPC+ presenting model where you start by isolating and verifying the issue with the buyer. Get both you and the buyer on the same page.
- Part of the VPC+ presenting model where you verify the issue, present the solution, and close the issue.
- Part of the VPC+ presenting model where you "say it".
- Part of the VPC+ presenting model where you sell the buyer on the big picture and create a theme or vision for the buyer.
- Part of the VPC+ presenting model where you offer your SPECIFIC recommendation with the top three benefits this solution brings.
- Part of the VPC+ presenting model where you "tell them what you're going to say."
- Foundations of Successful Selling
- Foundation of Successful Selling: often defined as the trade-off between costs and benefits. When this equation tilts towards the benefit side, we have a strong value.
- Foundation of Successful Selling: When we can build a mutually beneficial relationship with our customers, we can benefit in many ways.
- Foundation for Successful Selling: The idea that a successful salesperson will need to alter their selling behaviors to best match-up with the underlying situation and the people involved in a selling interaction.
- 3 P's of Selling: Salesperson is constantly using their intellect, their learning, and their experience to guide their actions.
- 3 P's of Selling: Not winging it. Salespeople have a serious commitment to this.
- 3 P's of Selling: Consistently dedicating energy and resources to achieving a goal until that goal is achieved.
- Type of selling that is relationship focused and uses the relationship manager perspective, which uses listening to uncover needs to create long-term relationships.