A large decrease in the human population occurred around 1350 A.D. What was the cause of that decrease in population?
a) the Hundred Years War
b) the Punic Wars
c) emigration to North America
d) depredations by Nazgul
e) the Black Death
Answer: E
Environmental Science
- Which of the following criteria will not help in the development of a sustainable global environment?
- James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis are noted for:
- The maximum number of owls that can live in a certain forested region is defined as the _____________ for that species in that environment.
- If we can continue to harvest the same number of tuna from the Pacific Ocean for the foreseeable future, we would have achieved ____________ of that resource.
- According to Frederick Law Olmsted, planting vegetation in cities provides:
- Ecological justification is related to:
- "Famines in Africa illustrate that population crises feed on themselves." Which of the following arguments supports this quotation?
- Two arguments that justify human interaction with nature, by placing human survival above all other considerations are:
- The question "Which is more important, the survival of people alive today or conservation of the environment?" is difficult to answer. Answering this question demands:
- What is the carrying capacity of the Earth for humans?
- Aspects and limitation(s) of the early approach to environmental issues included:
- The use of renewable environmental resources faster than they can be replenished would be considered:
- The Precautionary Principle:
- Beyond a threshold world population of about ________, the quality of life declines.
- Which of the following is not a major theme of environmental science?
- The Gaia Hypothesis states that the dominant force that has shaped the global environment through time is:
- When did the most dramatic increase in the history of the human population occur?
- Throughout history, the human population:
- According to the Environmental Science text, the underlying issue underlying all environmental problems is:
- According to the Environmental Science text, the environmental statement of the 1990's was "saving our planet." Is Earth's very survival really in danger?
- Justification that is based on the value of some factor that is essential to larger life support functions, even though it might not benefit an individual directly:
- Justification that has to do with the belief that various aspects of the environment have a right to exist:
- Justification that argues to preserve some aspect of the environment because of our appreciation of the beauty of nature and our desire to get out and enjoy it:
- According to the Environmental Science text, nearly 6 million children die each year due to the effects of: