If a person knowingly makes a false statement in his/her application for a license or registration as a security officer is guilty of what type of crime?
Answer: Misdemeanor
California Private Security Services Act
- If you give false information on an application for a PPO license, is that a misdemeanor or is that a felony?
- Is a PPO required to keep a log of the firearms used by the PPO's employees?
- If you are asked about '1230.4', what is that about?
- What is a 'supervisor-to-guard-ratio'?
- What deductions are typically taken from an employee's paycheck?
- What State of California entities are involved in a guard's carrying of tear gas?
- To carry tear gas, how many hours of training is required?
- If a PPO contracts with a K-12 school district or a California community college district, and a guard placed there works more that ____ hours per week, that guard has a special training requirement.
- If you want to open a second office for your PPO license and it is less than 1 mile from your first location, do you need a branch office license for it?
- What document will a bank require you give them if you want a checking account in the name of your PPO Company?
- What is never to be found in an employee's personnel file?
- If a guard shoots a gun while on duty, the guard must notify the PPO within _____and notify BSIS within ______.
- Who is in charge of a PPO's BRANCH office?
- Who is in charge of a PPO's PRIMARY office?
- If a business wants to employ their own security officer instead of hiring a PPO to suppy a guard, that business must register as a "PSE" (a "Proprietary Private Security Employer'). What is the cost of this registration?
- What is the rule on bullet-capacity for semi-automatic pistols in California?
- What should a PPO do if he/she suspects that a security officer's guard card is a fake?
- How many hours is a baton course?
- What is very likely to be found in an employee's personnel file?
- Can a PPO work as a guard for another PPO's guard company?
- When can a security officer 'frisk' a person?
- You are investigating losses at a store. Growing evidence points towards a the store manager being the main suspect. A: Where should you store the evidence? B: Where should you not store the evidence?
- If BSIS determines that an applicant's arrest record shows he/she has past arrests ending with 'No Despo', what will the applicant be required to do?
- What does the term 'No Dispo' found on a criminal history report mean?
- If an employee quits with no warning at noon on Wednesday, when must you pay that employee in full by?