In Four-Ball match play with side A-B, A's ball lies 30-feet from the hole and B's ball lies 3-feet from the hole on the putting green, with both A and B having taken two strokes. The opponents have scored four for the hole. A putts and, as the ball is rolling past the hole, B strikes the ball, returning it in the direction of where A is standing. B holes his or her putt for a score of three. Side A-B wins the hole.

In Four-Ball match play with side A-B, A's ball lies 30-feet from the hole and B's ball lies 3-feet from the hole on the putting green, with both A and B having taken two strokes. The opponents have scored four for the hole. A putts and, as the ball is rolling past the hole, B strikes the ball, returning it in the direction of where A is standing. B holes his or her putt for a score of three. Side A-B wins the hole.

Answer: T
Rules 11.2b and 23.5b