"In the past, at the end of the Han, Tang, Yuan, and Mind dynasties, bands of rebels were innumerable, all because of foolish rulers and misgovernment, so that none of these rebellions could be stamped out. But today [the emperor] is deeply concerned and examines his character in order to reform himself, worships Heaven, and is sympathetic to the people. He has not increased the land tax, nor has he conscripted soldiers from households. . . . It does not require any great wisdom to see that sooner or later the [Taiping] bandits will all be destroyed." Zeng Guofan, Qing dynasty official, proclamation against the Taiping rebels, 1854 In the passage above, Zeng Guofan's purposing in listing the policies of the current Qing emperor is most likely to

"In the past, at the end of the Han, Tang, Yuan, and Mind dynasties, bands of rebels were innumerable, all because of foolish rulers and misgovernment, so that none of these rebellions could be stamped out. But today [the emperor] is deeply concerned and examines his character in order to reform himself, worships Heaven, and is sympathetic to the people. He has not increased the land tax, nor has he conscripted soldiers from households. . . . It does not require any great wisdom to see that sooner or later the [Taiping] bandits will all be destroyed."
Zeng Guofan, Qing dynasty official, proclamation against the Taiping rebels, 1854
In the passage above, Zeng Guofan's purposing in listing the policies of the current Qing emperor is most likely to

a) demonstrate the similarity between the damage done by the Taiping rebellion to the Qing Empire and the damage done by earlier rebellions to other Chinese dynasties
b) mobilize popular support by showing that the Taiping rebellion does not represent a legitimate challenge to Qing rule
c) warn that the Qing policies of keeping taxes low and avoiding conscription might come to an end if the Taiping rebellion succeeds
d) argue that the emperor's personal piety and benevolent rule prove that he accepts the validity of the Taiping rebel's grievances

Answer: B.

World History

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