Definition of Organization, Pace and Faulkes,1994, one aspect, organizations is things, structure to help us organize, technology, building, physical things.
a. objectivist
b. subjectivist
Answer: A
Organizational Communication
- Goldhaber defines this aspect of Organizational Communication as a lack of information. A goat of any organization is to reduce this.
- Goldhaber defines this aspect of Organizational Communication as having economic of this, stocks and money effect organizations.
- Goldhaber defines this aspect of Organizational Communication as having political of this, laws effect how we run things.
- Goldhaber defines this aspect of Organizational Communication as having Social of this, meaning Consumer expectations.
- Goldhaber defines this aspect of Organizational Communication as having Physical of this, meaning gas prices, shipping costs, natural disasters.
- Goldhaber defines this aspect of Organizational Communication as having Physical, Social, Political, and Economic.
- Goldhaber defines this aspect of Organizational Communication as you need to have this for an organization to work.
- Goldhaber defines this aspect of Organizational Communication as what effects one, effects all. Can be internal or external.
- In Goldhaber's definition of Organizational Communication, one aspect uses Directions in talk; Downward (to lower level employees), Upward (to higher level employees), Horizontal (to equal level employees).
- In Goldhaber's definition of Organizational Communication, one aspect uses Informal, who you are really talking to in an Organization.
- In Goldhaber's definition of Organizational Communication, one aspect uses Formal, who you are supposed to talk to in an Organization.
- Goldhaber defines this aspect of Organizational Communication as Patterns of message exchange that can be Formal or Informal.
- In Goldhaber's definition of Organizational Communication, one aspect uses Tasks, Social, or Innovative.
- In Goldhaber's definition of Organizational Communication, one aspect uses Internal or External (inside, outside).
- In Goldhaber's definition of Organizational Communication, one aspect uses Verbal or Non Verbal.
- Goldhaber defines with aspect of Organizational Communication as Verbal or Nonverbal, Internal or External, Tasks, Social, or Innovative.
- Goldhaber defines this aspect of Organizational Communication as Structure vs. Chaos.
- Person that defines organizational communication as the process of creating and exchanging messages within a network of interdependent relationships to cope with environmental uncertainty.
- Goldhaber is known as
- Organizational Communication where the speaker and receiver get the same relative idea, but all people cannot think alike.
- Organizational Communication that is all about the receiver with full understanding from the speaker.
- Organizational Communication that is all about the speaker with no feedback.
- Organizational Communication as ________ walking a tight rope. To organize, we need structure, but structure is constraining, also need openness and balance. Have a little of both.
- Organizational Communication as ______ everyone will interpret a message differently. No goal of understanding. Strategic Ambiguity. Coordinate our behavior. Herding Cattle.
- Organizational Communication as _______ exchanging message and receiver gets own meaning, interpretation. Goal - have good full meaning from speaker, complete understanding.