If a person can only speak Spanish, can he/she obtain a guard card?

If a person can only speak Spanish, can he/she obtain a guard card?

Answer: YES. A guard-card applicant must be able to pass the required training and testing, usually only available in English. Some facilities have Spanish classes and testing; some allow a student to use a translator

What is a "1099' form?

What is a "1099' form?

Answer: A 1099 isa an IRS tax form used to document amounts paid in a calendar year by a PPO client to the PPO; also used to document amounts paid to independent contractors

What is the name of the legal document a PPO should obtain from a client, and give photocopies of it to on-site guards, that allows towing companies to tow away illegally-parked vehicles on the client's private property?

What is the name of the legal document a PPO should obtain from a client, and give photocopies of it to on-site guards, that allows towing companies to tow away illegally-parked vehicles on the client's private property?

Answer: Power of Attorney

When can a PPO make an 'incidental investigation'?

When can a PPO make an 'incidental investigation'?

Answer: if incidental to the theft, loss, embezzlement, misappropriation, or concealment of property, which the PPO has been hired or engaged to protect or watch

When must a PPO pay his/her guard 'double-time'?

When must a PPO pay his/her guard 'double-time'?

Answer: For all hours worked in excess of 12 hours in any workday, and for all hours worked in excess of eight on the seventh consecutive day of work in a workweek

When DO you need a branch office license?

When DO you need a branch office license?

Answer: If you want to conduct business from or advertise using any location other than the location listed on your primary PPO license (but not for client job sites)

Who has the ultimate authority over what badge a PPO and his/her guards use when working?

Who has the ultimate authority over what badge a PPO and his/her guards use when working?

Answer: Local law enforcement. Although BSIS approves your badge design, city or county law enforcement agencies can tell you that your badge can not be used in their area because it looks too much like that of local law enforcement

Can a PPO carry a shotgun in his/her patrol car if it is unloaded?

Can a PPO carry a shotgun in his/her patrol car if it is unloaded?

Answer: No, A PPO can only work with weapons of the caliber(s) listed on his/her FQ card But most citizens can have an unloaded shotgun in plain view in their car. Armored cars often have shotguns, but those companies are not regulated by BSIS

Can a PPO use a blue emergency light in his/her patrol vehicle?

Can a PPO use a blue emergency light in his/her patrol vehicle?

Answer: NO. VC 25258 (b): An authorized emergency vehicle used by a peace officer in the performance of the peace officer's duties, may display a steady or flashing blue warning light

Can a PPO use a red emergency light in his/her patrol vehicle?

Can a PPO use a red emergency light in his/her patrol vehicle?

Answer: No. VC 25269: No person shall display a flashing or steady burning red warning light on a vehicle except as permitted by Section 21055 which is for authorized emergency vehicles)

Are there any legal restrictions on a PPO or his/her security officers wearing a 'bulletproof' vest' (bodily armor?

Are there any legal restrictions on a PPO or his/her security officers wearing a 'bulletproof' vest' (bodily armor?

Answer: No. Unless: CA Penal Code Section 12370(a) prohibits those individuals who have been convicted a 'violent crime' (as the term is defined in Penal Code Section 667.5) from owning a bullet proof vest. Otherwise, there is no prohibition against ownership And if worn while committing a crime, you can receive an enhanced penalty

If an employee has worked for a PPO for more than 3 years and is continuing to work for the PPO, can the PPO now shred & throw away that employee's 1-9 form?

If an employee has worked for a PPO for more than 3 years and is continuing to work for the PPO, can the PPO now shred & throw away that employee's 1-9 form?

Answer: No. The I-9 must be kept the entire time that person is employed, and then for a period afterward. After the employee is no longer employed by that PPO, the PPO must keep the I-9 for whichever of these is LONGER: 3 years from the date that person was hired, or 1 year after his/her employment ended.

If a client asks a PPO to design & install a costly multi-camera surveillance system throughout the property, but the PPO is not fully experience with this type of work, what should the PPO do?

If a client asks a PPO to design & install a costly multi-camera surveillance system throughout the property, but the PPO is not fully experience with this type of work, what should the PPO do?

Answer: Sub-contract or contract out that job to a surveillance-system company

If the Qualified Manager of a PPO license also wants his/her name to also be listed as the 'Person in Charge' of a 'branch office' of that PPO license, what must that Qualified Manager submit to BSIS?

If the Qualified Manager of a PPO license also wants his/her name to also be listed as the 'Person in Charge' of a 'branch office' of that PPO license, what must that Qualified Manager submit to BSIS?

Answer: Must submit a statement as to how he/she will be in active control of the main location and of the branch office at the same time

If a currently-registered Proprietary Private Security Officer wants to go to work for a PPO, does he/she need any training or anything else first, or can he/she go straight to work for a PPO?

If a currently-registered Proprietary Private Security Officer wants to go to work for a PPO, does he/she need any training or anything else first, or can he/she go straight to work for a PPO?

Answer: A Proprietary Private Security Officer can NOT go to work for a PPO

What details are on a training certificate issued by a BSIS authorized training school?

What details are on a training certificate issued by a BSIS authorized training school?


Per BSIS: The certificate shall identify identify the

1)course(s) taken,

2)the number of hours of training provided,

3)identification of the issuing entity,

4)name of the individual,


6)a date,

7)state that the course (s) comply with the Department of Consumer Affair's Skills Training Course for Security Guards, And the certificate shall be, and

8) serially numbered for tracking

What are typical 'expenses' of PPO agency?

What are typical 'expenses' of PPO agency?

Answer: Rent, utilities, advertising, postage, payroll, insurance, uniforms, licensing, office supplies, fuel, business cards, internet access

What might be included in a job site 'evaluation plan'?

What might be included in a job site 'evaluation plan'?

Answer: Exits, exit routes, fire extinguishers, alternate escape routes, external meeting points, first aid equipment, utility shut-offs

If a security officer arrests a person for shoplifting, and when it goes through the court system that person is found to be 'Not Guilty' of shoplifting or any other crime that day, could the security officer have made a mistake?

If a security officer arrests a person for shoplifting, and when it goes through the court system that person is found to be 'Not Guilty' of shoplifting or any other crime that day, could the security officer have made a mistake?

Answer: YES

How long must a PPO retain the I-9 for former employees?

How long must a PPO retain the I-9 for former employees?

Answer: For former employees, you must retain the I-9 form until the latter of 3 years after the employee is hired or 1 year after the employees employment ended

Per BSIS, how long are employee records required to be kept?

Per BSIS, how long are employee records required to be kept?

Answer: BSIS advises to retain employee records for at least 2 years. But remember that ex-employees can file lawsuits for up to 3 years, so you might want to keep all records at least 3 years.

What is the insertion of anconeus?

What is the insertion of anconeus?

Answer: olecranon process and posterior, proximal surface of ulna

What is the insertion of the trapezius?

What is the insertion of the trapezius?

Answer: lateral one-third of clavicle, acromion, and spine of scapula

What is part of the origin of the trapezius?

What is part of the origin of the trapezius?

Answer: external occipital protuberance and medial portion of superior nuchal line of occiput

What is the origin of teres minor?

What is the origin of teres minor?

Answer: Upper two thirds of lateral border of scapula