Rank-order rating scales:

Rank-order rating scales: 

A. use a scale point format that allows the respondents to express some type of post-decision or behavior evaluative judgment about an object.

B. are easy to use in traditional or computer-assisted telephone interviews, and are especially effective if the number of items being asked is more than six or seven.

C. incorporate a scale point format that allows a respondent to compare their responses to each other by indicating their first preference, then their second preference, and so forth until all the desired responses are placed in some type of rank order either "highest to lowest" or "lowest to highest".

D. can collect more than ordinal data structures, helping the researcher to learn about the intensity or reasoning of the respondents.

E. require the respondents to allocate a given number of points among several attributes or features based on their importance to the individual.

Answer: C


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