Where do Hester and Pearl live?

Where do Hester and Pearl live?

(A) In the poorhouse
(B) In an abandoned cottage on the outskirts of Boston
(C) In the forest
(D) In the house of Roger Chillingworth

Answer: B

How does Pearl become wealthy?

How does Pearl become wealthy?

(A) She discovers pirates' treasure.
(B) She marries the governor's son.
(C) She inherits Chillingworth's estate and marries a nobleman.
(D) She becomes a famous actress and dancer.

Answer: C

How do Hester and Dimmesdale plan to escape their suffering?

How do Hester and Dimmesdale plan to escape their suffering?

(A) By going to live with the Native Americans
(B) By boarding a ship bound for Europe
(C) By killing Chillingworth
(D) By committing suicide

Answer: B

Why does Pearl not recognize her mother when she sees her with Dimmesdale in the forest?

Why does Pearl not recognize her mother when she sees her with Dimmesdale in the forest?

(A) Hester has removed the scarlet letter.
(B) Hester has removed her cap to expose her long hair.
(C) Hester is not wearing her usual plain gray dress.
(D) Mistress Hibbins has cast a spell on Hester, changing her appearance.

Answer: A

Next to whom is Hester buried?

Next to whom is Hester buried?

(A) Dimmesdale
(B) Chillingworth
(C) Pearl
(D) No one; her body is burned.

Answer: A

How does Mistress Hibbins eventually die?

How does Mistress Hibbins eventually die?

(A) She is strangled by Chillingworth.
(B) She wastes away in a diphtheria epidemic.
(C) She is executed publicly as a witch.
(D) Pearl puts a hex on her.

Answer: C

Who is Mistress Hibbins?

Who is Mistress Hibbins?

(A) The governor's sister
(B) Hester's mother
(C) Dimmesdale's aunt
(D) Chillingworth's second wife

Answer: A

In what century is the story of Hester Prynne set?

In what century is the story of Hester Prynne set?

(A) The sixteenth century
(B) The seventeenth century
(C) The eighteenth century
(D) The nineteenth century

Answer: B

What are the risk factors for chronic disease?

What are the risk factors for chronic disease?

a) Behavioural, biomedical and social
b) Personal, social, economic and environmental
c) Social, behavioural and personal
d) Economic, environmental and genetic

Answer: A

What are the determinants of health?

What are the determinants of health?

a) Behavioural, biomedical and social
b) Personal, social, economic and environmental
c) Social, behavioural and personal
d) Economic, environmental and genetic

Answer: B

What are the 3 categories of prevention?

What are the 3 categories of prevention?

a) Tertiary, Secondary & Primary
b) Individual, Community & System
c) Intervention management, Building capacity & Research and Analysis
d) None of the above

Answer: A

What are the 3 categories of intervention?

What are the 3 categories of intervention?

a) Tertiary, Secondary & Primary
b) Individual, Community & System
c) Intervention management, Building capacity & Research and Analysis
d) None of the above

Answer: B

What are the 3 CORE functions of a PHN workforce?

What are the 3 CORE functions of a PHN workforce?

a) Tertiary, Secondary & Primary
b) Individual, Community & System
c) Intervention management, Building capacity & Research and Analysis
d) None of the above

Answer: C

What statement below best describes the term 'risk factor' in Public Health Nutrition?

What statement below best describes the term 'risk factor' in Public Health Nutrition?

a) Typically seen amongst teenagers where they put themselves at increased risk
b) Determinants that influence how likely we are to become ill
c) Determinants that influence how likely we are to stay well
d) Lifestyle behaviours that have a positive effect on our health

Answer: B

The National preventative health strategy provides a blueprint for tackling the burden of chronic disease currently caused by obesity, tobacco, and excessive consumption of alcohol. What area of prevention is it concerned with?

The National preventative health strategy provides a blueprint for tackling the burden of chronic disease currently caused by obesity, tobacco, and excessive consumption of alcohol. What area of prevention is it concerned with?

a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Tertiary
d) All of the above

Answer: A

What is the goal of the Responsible Children's Marketing Initiative?

What is the goal of the Responsible Children's Marketing Initiative?

a) To encourage eco-friendly and sustainable packaging on consumable goods produced for children in Australia
b) To maintain a high level of social responsibility in food and beverage marketing to children in Australia
c) To teach Australian children how to read nutrition panels and make responsible food and beverage choice.
d) To provide a framework for food and beverage companies to increase sales to children.

Answer: B

Groups such as the Obesity Policy Coalition advocate for regulation of advertising to children. This is important because

Groups such as the Obesity Policy Coalition advocate for regulation of advertising to children. This is important because 

a) If they are not regulated, children will watch too much television
b) Children under the age of 12 years can't distinguish between programming and advertising
c) Children under the age of 8 years do not understand the persuasive intent of advertising
d) b) and c)

Answer: C

"The media do not present simple reflections of external reality. Rather, they present carefully crafted constructions that reflect many decisions and result from many determining factors". Which of the 8 key concepts of media literacy does this relate to?

"The media do not present simple reflections of external reality. Rather, they present carefully crafted constructions that reflect many decisions and result from many determining factors". Which of the 8 key concepts of media literacy does this relate to?

a) Media have commercial implications
b) Form and content are closely related in the media
c) All media are construction
d) The media construct reality

Answer: C

In the eight concepts of media literacy, the third concept deals with "Audiences negotiating meaning in the media". This means that;

In the eight concepts of media literacy, the third concept deals with "Audiences negotiating meaning in the media". This means that;

a) Media can have a great influence on politics
b) Raises awareness about how the media influences our commercial considerations
c) Audiences respond to the rhythm of media and should be able to enjoy it
d) The media provides with much of the material upon which we build our reality

Answer: D

If you were a nutritionist in a local council that contained a high percentage of low socio economic groups , what answer best describes how would you use a graph to inform an intervention strategy?

If you were a nutritionist in a local council that contained a high percentage of low socio economic groups , what answer best describes how would you use a graph to inform an intervention strategy?

a) I would use this graph to provide evidence to apply for funding to run an intervention for men in low socio-economic group postcodes in order to reduce deaths by reducing incidence of chronic disease by targeting a lifestyle risk factor.
b) I would ask individuals in the high socio economic area to help fund education strategies in the low socio economic group
c) I would run an intervention for women in order to increase vegetable consumption in households.
d) I would run an intervention campaign for children in low socio economic areas to decrease their lifestyle risk factors.

Answer: B

Give an example of the link between behaviour and chronic disease.

Give an example of the link between behaviour and chronic disease.

a) Socio economic status and obesity
b) High price of food and food insecurity
c) Lack of policies and over nutrition
d) Too much take away and obesity

Answer: D

Public health nutrition focuses on:

Public health nutrition focuses on:

a) The specific dietary needs of individuals
b) Issues that affect the whole adult population
c) Issues that affect the whole population
a) and b)

Answer: C

A socio-ecological approach to public health nutrition would involve:

A socio-ecological approach to public health nutrition would involve:

a) Acknowledgement that health problems are imbedded in the social, economic, cultural and ecological circumstances in which people live
b) Acknowledgement that it is the personal lifestyle choices of individuals that affects their health
c) The design of interventions that focus on the individual

Answer: A

Which of the following best describes an example of a system-level intervention?

Which of the following best describes an example of a system-level intervention?

a) Advocacy by consumer groups to lobby Federal politicans to outlaw selling food and drinks high in added sugars to children in school canteens.

b) A local GP advising child patients to avoid food and drinks high in added sugars.

c) A nation-wide advertising campaign to educate the population about the health dangers of food and drinks that are high in added sugars.

d) A change in Federal government legislation that outlaws selling food and drinks high in added sugars to children in school canteens.

Answer: D

Cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes comprise two of Australia's eight national health priority areas. These diseases are more prevalent in low Socioeconomic Status (SES) groups. What risk factor would a public health nutritionist focus on when planning an intervention to reduce the burden of these diseases?

Cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes comprise two of Australia's eight national health priority areas. These diseases are more prevalent in low Socioeconomic Status (SES) groups. What risk factor would a public health nutritionist focus on when planning an intervention to reduce the burden of these diseases?

a) Increasing employment opportunities
b) Obesity
c) Smoking
d) Psychosocial conditions

Answer: B

Bill has recently had a stroke and spends some time in the hospital recovering. Once he is discharged, he is encouraged to come back to the hospital's stroke clinic for some follow up education and undertake some rehabilitation with an occupational therapist and physio. This is an example of:

Bill has recently had a stroke and spends some time in the hospital recovering. Once he is discharged, he is encouraged to come back to the hospital's stroke clinic for some follow up education and undertake some rehabilitation with an occupational therapist and physio. This is an example of:

a) Primary Prevention
b) Secondary Prevention
c) Tertiary Prevention
d) Quarternarian Prevention

Answer: C

When considering the three types of prevention efforts and levels of intervention in public health, how is primary prevention best described?

When considering the three types of prevention efforts and levels of intervention in public health, how is primary prevention best described?

a) Aims to control risk factors and prevent disease
b) Focuses on detecting disease early through screening and other forms of risk appraisal
c) Aims to treat and rehabilitate people who have experienced an injury or illness
d) None of the above

Answer: A

Sarah is a dietitian who works at a Medicare Local in the Mandurah/Peel region, located 75km south of Perth. She receives referrals from doctors at the Medicare Local as well from other medical practices close by, mainly for middle-aged adults with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. As a way of managing all these referrals, Sarah opts to undertake group education sessions, to help these adults better understand and manage their disease. This is an example of:

Sarah is a dietitian who works at a Medicare Local in the Mandurah/Peel region, located 75km south of Perth. She receives referrals from doctors at the Medicare Local as well from other medical practices close by, mainly for middle-aged adults with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. As a way of managing all these referrals, Sarah opts to undertake group education sessions, to help these adults better understand and manage their disease. This is an example of:

a) Community dietetics
b) Health promotion
c) Community Nutrition
d) Clinical dietetics

Answer: A

Antoinette Tyrrell, marketing manager Coca-Cola South Pacific says: "Coke is synonymous with summer fun and the 'Coke Loves Summer' promotion celebrates the bond between Coke and Australia's biggest obsessions. Which propaganda technique was utilised in this fully integrated marketing campaign?

Antoinette Tyrrell, marketing manager Coca-Cola South Pacific says: "Coke is synonymous with summer fun and the 'Coke Loves Summer' promotion celebrates the bond between Coke and Australia's biggest obsessions. Which propaganda technique was utilised in this fully integrated marketing campaign?

a) Testimonial
b) Glittering generalities
c) Bandwagon
d) Plain folks

Answer: B

The following goal is appropriate for which types of disorders: "The client will increase intelligibility thereby becoming easier to understand and improve communication effectiveness."

The following goal is appropriate for which types of disorders: "The client will increase intelligibility thereby becoming easier to understand and improve communication effectiveness."

Answer: Articulation disorders, Phonological disorders & Childhood apraxia of speech.

As a Speech-Languge Pathologist, you evaluate a 4-year old. The following utterance was recorded in a language sample. What phonological process does the child exhibit? "The ca wa bla. The shoe wa blue. I a hungry. Plea rea me a boo abou a toa and fro. Wi you plea? I really wan to go wi ma to the pumpki far."

As a Speech-Languge Pathologist, you evaluate a 4-year old. The following utterance was recorded in a language sample. What phonological process does the child exhibit? "The ca wa bla. The shoe wa blue. I a hungry. Plea rea me a boo abou a toa and fro. Wi you plea? I really wan to go wi ma to the pumpki far."

Answer: Final Consonant Deletion.

The "C" in the ABC's of stuttering refers to

The "C" in the ABC's of stuttering refers to

Answer: The way stuttering makes the individual cognitively perceive and access the world around them.

Therapy might be recommended if:

Therapy might be recommended if:

Answer: Sound prolongations constitute more than 25% of total disfluencies, There is a loss of eye contact on more than 50% of the child's utterances & There is at least one adult expressing concern over speech fluency.

Satyagraha means:

Satyagraha means:

A. Individual strength and is non-confrontational way of submitting one's will to the opponent.
B. Truth force and is a confrontational, non-violent approach to political action.
C. Mighty one and is about pacifying the political opponent into hypnosis.
D. Angry child and is about letting one's life force take a nap from time to time in order to bring peace and stability.

Answer: B

One of Ghandi's and the INC's biggest challenges was to

One of Ghandi's and the INC's biggest challenges was to

A. Overturn the similar "group think" that lacked creativity and energy.
B. To fight against the increasingly popular British rule.
C. Organize and work with a wide range of parties, approaches, and movements that seemed to challenge the national unity they sought.
D. To fight off German Nazi Aggression.

Answer: C

The Communists were saved in 1934 because they

The Communists were saved in 1934 because they

A. Successfully fought the Japanese
B. Fled to the West in 1934 in the Long March
C. Fought the Guomindong
D. Fought Chang Kai Shek and won.

Answer: B

"Cadres" were:

"Cadres" were:

A. Activist leaders who inspired peasants to "speak bitterness" in public meetings and "struggle" with landlords.
B. Leaders of guerilla fighting task forces.
C. Activist leaders who encouraged peasants and landlords to come to a common and peaceful understanding.
D. Were young people trained to re-educate the intelligentsia when they were sent to the countryside.

Answer: A

Much of the CCP's (Chinese Communist Party) support came from:

Much of the CCP's (Chinese Communist Party) support came from:

A. The successful guerilla tactics that provided some security to the peasants against the invading Japanese
B. The successes of the Guomindang in eliminating Communists within China
C. The successes of the Guomindang as it effectively protected its citizens from the invading Japanese.
D. The increased taxes, rents, and interest payments that the CCP charged the peasants in the countryside.

Answer: A

Stalin: Gulag Mao: ________

Stalin: Gulag
Mao: ________

A. Purges
B. Great Leap Forward
C. Secret Police
D. Chinese cultural revolution

Answer: D

Mao's concern with many of his propaganda campaigns was to _______.

Mao's concern with many of his propaganda campaigns was to _______.

A. Protect traditional Chinese cultural from Western imperialism.
B. Destroy "bourgeois values" and enemy capitalists who remained in society.
C. To educate the peasants on the virtues of a strong communist work ethic.
D. Educate the peasants on the virtues of a strong capitalist work ethic.

Answer: B

The ________________ was a strong organization for women's rights in the early Soviet Union that pushed for trained women to run day care centers and medical clinics, development of the press oriented towards women, and literacy and prenatal classes.

The ________________ was a strong organization for women's rights in the early Soviet Union that pushed for trained women to run day care centers and medical clinics, development of the press oriented towards women, and literacy and prenatal classes.

A. Zhenotdel
B. Perestroika
C. Worker's groups
D. Glasnost

Answer: A

Martin Luther King believed that it was immoral to have a law demanding a permit for a parade in any circumstance

Martin Luther King believed that it was immoral to have a law demanding a permit for a parade in any circumstance

A. False, it was immoral if that law was used to uphold segregation.
B. False, it was immoral if it was to uphold public safety.
C. True, there should never be laws infringing free speech.
D. True, laws prohibiting free speech were always immoral.

Answer: A

Nkrumah was advocating for a United Africa for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

Nkrumah was advocating for a United Africa for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

A. The needs of self-defense could be better shared and monies could be spent of internal development.
B. It would reduce the number of needless and confusing diplomatic representations.
C. He believed in a strong state based off of the Nation of Islam.
D. A unified African continent could have a stronger economic plan for development.

Answer: C

In most African countries, economic success was found

In most African countries, economic success was found

A. In producing green energy technologies
B. By creating competitive textile industries
C. In developing a strong technological market.
D. In high paying government jobs where they received bribes or gifts for state contracts.

Answer: D

While colonial rule had been authoritarian and bureaucratic, with little interest in African participation during the 1950s, European governments tried to

While colonial rule had been authoritarian and bureaucratic, with little interest in African participation during the 1950s, European governments tried to

A. Rid the countries of communists
B. Divide nationalist parties within Africa.
C. Transplant democratic institutions to their colonies
D. Crack down on the nationalists

Answer: C

Keynesian economics describes the belief

Keynesian economics describes the belief

A. That the government should ALWAYS strive to keep a balanced budget.
B. That it is ok for the government to spend more money that it collects and accumulate great debt.
C. That it is NEVER good for the government to run a deficit.
D. That in the short run the government can spend more money than it collects in order to "prime the pump" and stimulate the economy.

Answer: D

Mussolini believed

Mussolini believed

A. That the highest authority was the state that had a moral and ethical will.
B. That individual freedoms were important and to be respected.
C. That imperialism was an immoral policy.
D. That feminism and liberal ideologies were important liberal reforms.

Answer: A

On an aggregate demand curve, a recession is when

On an aggregate demand curve, a recession is when

A. The government spends money in the short run in order to increase the curve,
B. The curve shifts up for a period of 3-6 months.
C. The curve shifts down for a period of 3-6 months.
D. The curve stays the same for a period of 3-6 months.

Answer: C

Which of the following was a result of WWI?

Which of the following was a result of WWI?

A. Nationalism
B. Cynicism
C. The belief that rational thought would lead to world peace.
D. Optimism

Answer: B

One of the reasons that the Serbs were so angry about the Archduke Francis Ferdinand's parades in Sarajevo was that he chose to visit the Slavic Capital

One of the reasons that the Serbs were so angry about the Archduke Francis Ferdinand's parades in Sarajevo was that he chose to visit the Slavic Capital

A. One the anniversary of the historic battle of Kosovo or the battle of the Blackbirds, June 28.
B. On the Serbian day of independence.
D. On Christmas.

Answer: A

John Maynard Keynes believed that

John Maynard Keynes believed that

A. The government should return to the gold standard.
B. The government's ability to spend money could help to restart the economy.
C. The government should nationalize all business sectors of the US.
D. The government should own the means of production.

Answer: B

One of the causes of the global great depression was

One of the causes of the global great depression was

A. The increased security of banks
B. Increased amount of global capital.
C. Overproduction of goods.
D. The strong value of paper money.

Answer: C

The Great Depression resulted in

The Great Depression resulted in

A. Banks closing, loss of savings, and unemployment.
B. Increased international trade
C. Decreased unemployment
D. Increased stock prices.

Answer: A

Mother;s Day in France was designed to

Mother;s Day in France was designed to

A. Celebrate the traditional nature of the family.
B. Celebrate a group of women who would replace an entire generation.
C. Combat the socialist holiday created in the Soviet Union.
D. Celebrate a group of socialists.

Answer: B

As a result of WWI, India

As a result of WWI, India

A. Started down the road to self government.
B. Extended colonial powers into the social hierarchy.
C. Hardened its colonial powers over China.
D. Perpetuated Indian colonialism into eternity.

Answer: A

In Russia, WWI led to

In Russia, WWI led to

A. The continuation of war
B. The extension and empowerment of the Tsar.
C. A democratic and then a communist revolution.
D. Defeat of the Japanese.

Answer: C

The principle of self-determination meant that

The principle of self-determination meant that

A. The right to conquer the neighboring state.
B. The right to remilitarize
C. A nation had the right to a piece of land and the ability to govern it.
D. The right to institute state control of the economy.

Answer: C

WWI was a war of attrition which means

WWI was a war of attrition which means

A. It was a tactical war that sought to win capitals in order to gain power.
B. This war was about who had the most advanced weaponry and as a result won.
C. This war was about water and who had access to it.
D. It was a war to see which side could kill the most of the enemy.

Answer: D

One of the effects of colonization was the development of

One of the effects of colonization was the development of

A. Nationalist movements in colonized countries.
B. The acceptance of Latin as a universal language.
C. The development of great wealth controlled by indigenous populations.
D. International peace.

Answer: A

According to the article by Straussman and O'Connor, under the Meiji Restoration,

According to the article by Straussman and O'Connor, under the Meiji Restoration,

A. The Samurai completely lost the traditional power that they maintained over Japan for centuries.
B. China was divided into spheres of influence.
C. The Samurai redeveloped the military along western technological lines while maintaining Japanese values.
D. The Ethiopians resisted French attempts at colonialism.

Answer: C

According to Richard Kipling, "The White Man's Burden"

According to Richard Kipling, "The White Man's Burden"

A. Is imperialism
B. Is caused by the need to decolonize
C. Is the suffering caused to the indigenous populations by imperial conquest.
D. is the decimation of populations by disease and technology.

Answer: A

Many countries were ruled as colonies through

Many countries were ruled as colonies through

A. Indirect rule; native populations produced rulers that cooperated with colonial administrators and military.
B. Cartoon characters drinking wine that looked vaguely like South Park characters.
C. The power of an English army.
D. Direct rule

Answer: A

Ethiopia and Siam were unusual

Ethiopia and Siam were unusual 

A. the fact that Italy took both of those countries as colonies.
B. those countries both played significant roles in WWII.
C. Because the avoided colonialism due to military and diplomatic skills.
D. the rapid speed with which those two colonies were subdued by European powers.

Answer: C

The Maxim gun was

The Maxim gun was

A. The biggest gun on the market.
B. A gun used by the Spanish during the conquest of the Aztecs.
C. A gun designed by a men's magazine.
D. An early automatic machine gun.

Answer: D

Strayer argued that there were two periods of colonization between fifteenth century and the nineteenth century. Which of the following differentiated the two periods?

Strayer argued that there were two periods of colonization between fifteenth century and the nineteenth century. Which of the following differentiated the two periods?

A. The first period of colonization was driven by a need to find markets for the products of western Europe's industrial revolution.
B. Religion was a driving force in the second wave of colonialism.
C. Spain and Portugal played only a minor role in the second period and disease did not decimate the Eastern populations in the same way that it affected indigneous populations in the Americas.
D. Colonies were much smaller in the second wave of colonization.

Answer: C

Strayer argued that the reason the white driver did not speak English with the boys from Kenya was because

Strayer argued that the reason the white driver did not speak English with the boys from Kenya was because 

A. of the traditional belief that there should be a distance kept for sexual and political reasons between the whites and blacks.
B. The white driver was attempting for form a cultural bond with those who had been previously colonized.
C. The driver did himself not know English and was an example of the poverty that colonialism caused.
D. There was a stark educational difference that existed due to the presence of cultural capital.

Answer: A

The Boxer rebellion was significant because

The Boxer rebellion was significant because

A. It impressed the West with the martial arts of "the Other."
B. It began Chinese colonialism.
C. It showcased that China remained a dependent country under foreign control.
D. It ended Chinese colonialism.

Answer: C

Lin Zexu described by Strayer as a "drug czar" was responsible for

Lin Zexu described by Strayer as a "drug czar" was responsible for

A. Certifying the safe use and clean facilities in opium dens.
B. Seizing and destroying opium shipments.
C. Seizing and returning opium to Western traders.
D. Certifying and collecting taxes from Western opium traders.

Answer: B

Emperor Qianlong was interested in:

Emperor Qianlong was interested in:

A. Expanding trade with GB to include Chusan.
B. Allowing foreign missionaries free reign throughout his country.
C. Limiting trade with GB to Canton.
D. Ending all trade with GB all together.

Answer: C

For centuries, opium had been used by Arab traders as a

For centuries, opium had been used by Arab traders as a

A. way to improve Britain's trade imbalance.
B. Drinkable medicine
C. An exotic substance only allowed to be consumed by kings.
D. A military tool.

Answer: B

By the 1750's, Japan was an increasingly

By the 1750's, Japan was an increasingly 

A. urban country
B. Feudal kingdom
C. An industrialized powerhouse
D. An international tourist destination

Answer: A

Under the Tokugawa Shogunate, Japan

Under the Tokugawa Shogunate, Japan

A. Existed as a peaceful, but disunified nation state.
B. Was in an continual state of civil war.
C. Had modernized successfully.
D. Was a highly successful and centralized nation state.

Answer: A

The Young Turks advocated for all of the following EXCEPT:

The Young Turks advocated for all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Child marriage.
B. Education of women.
C. Propagation of Turkish as the national language.
D. Advocated for a secularization of the courts.

Answer: A

The young Ottomans sought to do all of the following EXCEPT:

The young Ottomans sought to do all of the following EXCEPT:

A. Bind women's feet.
B. Embrace Western technology.
C. Have a European styled democratic government.
D. Modernize political Islam.

Answer: A

Sultan Selim III was

Sultan Selim III was

A. overthrown and murdered in response to his reforms.
B. celebrated because of his reforms.
C. Mande a national hero because of his reforms.
D. None of the answers.

Answer: A

The Janissaries were

The Janissaries were

A. An outdated military group that was becoming a conservative force within the empire.
B. A revolutionary group of student leaders.
C. A conservative group of nationalists who carried on the national dances.
D. A group of Marxists.

Answer: A

Naoroji believes that the British

Naoroji believes that the British

A. that Calcutta is a beautiful city.
B. Want an independent India.
C. Have brought moral benefits but ultimately have economically ruined India.
D. That Great Britain has brought nothing good to India.

Answer: C

Roy in his letter to Lord Amherst in 1823 wants

Roy in his letter to Lord Amherst in 1823 wants

A. the schools to teach traditional Indian subjects.
B. The British to go back to England.
C. The schools opened by the British to teach western science, philosophy, and math.
D. The schools to be religious seminaries.

Answer: C

Education often times meant

Education often times meant

A. The creation of Western styled democracies in newly colonized territories.
B. The end of traditional culture.
C. that it opened the opportunities of better-paying employment.
D. Horrific beatings.

Answer: C

Japan was unique in the imperial world because

Japan was unique in the imperial world because

A. it became an industrial success that maintained its own culture.
B. it became a colony of the United States under Commodore Perry.
C. It refused to industrialize and remained isolated.
D. It took other colonies.

Answer: A

As a result of colonization, women in Africa generally:

As a result of colonization, women in Africa generally:

A. grew closer to their husbands because they had more time together.
B. Worked more hours and became more independent of their husbands.
C. Became slaves to labor saving devices.
D. Lose all economic power and political rights.

Answer: B

King Leopold II was known for

King Leopold II was known for

A. The creation of the caste system in India.
B. His use of Brahmin as a native tongue.
C. His vicious rule in the Belgian Congo.
D. His egalitarian rule of the Belgian Congo.

Answer: C

Caste System: India Tribe: ______

Caste System: India
Tribe: ______

A. Africa
B. South America
C. Japan
D. China

Answer: A

Although Europeans in colonized territories supported education:

Although Europeans in colonized territories supported education:

A. They rarely allowed highly educated indigenous people to serve in high ranks of government or civil service.
B. They never taught in English.
C. They did not want people educated in traditional methods or culture.
D. They never allowed colonized people to go to college.

Answer: A

Which of these is NOT a consequence of the Sepoy rebellion?

Which of these is NOT a consequence of the Sepoy rebellion?

A. India was placed under the governmental control of Great Britain.
B. It led to the increased use of the Caste system by the British to control India.
C. Hindus and Muslims never fought again over territory in India.
D. An Indian nationalist identity was formed.

Answer: C

The Sepoy rebellion started in response to:

The Sepoy rebellion started in response to:

A. The introduction of cartridges that used both pig and cow fat.
B. A new law that further segregated Hindus and Muslims.
C. A Papal bull that announced that Christianity was the official state religion of India.
D. The fact that the Sepoy were supposed to end the practice of sati of the ritual widow immolation.

Answer: A

The conservation of mass for the i component in a solution states: The rate of accumulation of i within a volume is equal to the moles of i entering across a surface of area S minus the moles of i leaving across a surface of area S plus the rate of production of i by chemical reactions within the volume.

The conservation of mass for the i component in a solution states: The rate of accumulation of i within a volume is equal to the moles of i entering across a surface of area S minus the moles of i leaving across a surface of area S plus the rate of production of i by chemical reactions within the volume.

Answer: True